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Gillies Rendang (120g)

Gillies Rendang (120g)

Regular price RM 24.90
Regular price Sale price RM 24.90
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Enjoy our Aya Real Food Gillies Rendang, the ever-popular rendang with the earthy umami of split gills mushrooms and a beautiful balance of spices.

Quantity & Weight: 1 pouch x 120g No MSG, no added preservatives & no artificial colourings Vegetarian & Gluten-free All products are Halal-certified

AYA Real Food Gillies combines the ever-popular rendang with the earthy umami of split gills mushrooms and a beautiful balance of spices. It's an ideal choice for vegetarians and for days when you want to skip meat without sacrificing flavor and satisfaction.

Anchovies, Oil, Chilli, Fried Shallots, Anchovies Powder, Sugar.

Make it a complete meal with sides of vegetables. Sandwich : Layer it between slices of your favorite bread and add some fresh salad for a wholesome meal to go. Pasta : Serve it hot with your choice of cooked pasta. Garnish with spring onions and red chilies. Ultimate Tip: Our Gillies Redang can be used to create limitless recipes, so feel free to let your creativity go wild!

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